სხვა ჟანრები ამოუცნობი მფრინავი ობიექტის 150 საუკუნის წინანდელი გამოსახულება საფრანგეთში 12 ნოემბერი 2020, 22:56:32 ![]() Located in southwestern France is the Caves of Niaux, a 14-kilometer-long system that includes numerous underground spaces and cave rooms that have been formed naturally over hundreds of millions of years. European hunter-gatherers lived in these caves for a long time and, moreover, engaged in creative activities. The fact is that the Niaux Caves are famous for their beautiful, prehistoric paintings on the walls of the caves, dating back to the 6th century BC. 13,000 years and the most "new" BC. ორიგინალი სურათი 24 2-ს მოსწონს
It is rare in this time to draw something that would not exist and was the fruit of someone's imagination. And since this is known to archaeologists, it came as a great surprise that at that time, along with the standard drawings, a painting was found in the cave, which could not be clarified in any way, what could have been depicted by the artist. This one-of-a-kind drawing resembles a picture of today 's alien eyewitnesses describing how they describe unidentified flying objects - plate-shaped flying objects, sometimes accompanied by "glowing balls" resembling spherical lightning. Authenticity has been established, and this is not a fake drawing that we might have thought was later added by someone, so one explanation may be that the author of this drawing saw it 150 centuries ago. What millions of people around the world describe today - unidentified flying objects - the so-called. "Amo" (UFO of Niauxs cave).