თორ ნიკე
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სოდომი კრეტელი კოლხების ქალაქი იყო
სოდომი კრეტელი კოლხების ქალაქი იყო
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1-ს მოსწონს
ავტორი:თორ ნიკე
თორ ნიკე
2021, 14 აგვისტო, 10:04
ფილისტიმელები ეწოდება ხალხს, რომლებიც მიგრირდნენ სამხრეთით, საბერძნეთის და ეგეოსის ზღვის პირეთის ტერიტორიებიდან. (Kitchen, Keneth Anderson. On the reliability of the Old Testament. W. B. Ferdmans, 2006, P. 341).
2021, 14 აგვისტო, 8:35
▶ სთივენ ქოლინსმა დაამტკიცა მინოური არტეფაქტების არსებობა ბიბლიაში აღწერილი ქალაქის - სოდომის ადგილას (Steven Collins, "Tall el-Hammam is still Sodom," pp. 1-2).
ეს ნიშნავს, რომ სოდომი იყო კრეტელების ან/და კოლხების ქალაქი ახლო აღმოსავლეთში. კრეტელები და კოლხები ერთი ხალხი იყო.
▶ შუა მინოური პერიოდის ჭურჭელი ნაპოვნია შუა ბრინჯაოს ხანის ჰაზორში (Yadin et. al. "Razor III-IV an account of the third and fourth seasons and excavations," 1957-1958, Jerusalem, 1961, Pl. CCLX: 15-16)
▶ გალილეაში აღმოჩენილი იქნა ბრინჯაოს ხანის სასახლე, რომელიც მორთულია კრეტული სტილის ფრესკებით (Cline, E. H.; Yasur-Landau, A.; Goshen, N (2011). New fragments of Aegean style painted plaster from Tel Kabri, Israel." American journal of Archaeology. 15).
▶ კვიპროსის სტილის ჭურჭელი აღმოჩენილია მეგიდოში (R. Amiran, "Ancient pottery of the Holy land, " (New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 1970), pp. 121-23).
▶ კვიპროსის სტილის ჭურჭელი აღმოჩენილია გერარში (E. D Oren, "The new encyclopedia od Archaeological excavations in the Holy land." 2:581).
▶ გერარში ასევე აღმოვაჩენილია მინოური სტილის გრაფიტი და სხვა არტეფაქტები, რომლებსაც გააჩნიათ მინოური კრეტის მახასიათებლები (Oren, Eliezer D, et. al. "A Minoan graffito from Tel Harar," (Nagev, Israel. Cretan studies, 1996), 5: 91-118).
2021, 14 აგვისტო, 8:34
▶ Steven Collins has reported evidence of Minoan artifacts at the Biblical location of Sodom (Steven Collins, "Tall el-Hammam is still Sodom," pp. 1-2).
This means, that Sodom was a city of Cretans/Colchians. as Minoan Cretans and Colchians were the same people.
▶ Middle Minoan pottery has been found at middle bronze age Hazor (Yadin et. al. "Razor III-IV an account of the third and fourth seasons and excavations," 1957-1958, Jerusalem, 1961, Pl. CCLX: 15-16)
▶ In Galilee we have found a bronze age palace, that contains Cretan-Style frescoes (Cline, E. H.; Yasur-Landau, A.; Goshen, N (2011). New fragments of Aegean style painted plaster from Tel Kabri, Israel." American journal of Archaeology. 15).
▶ Cyprus-style pottery has been found at Megiddo (R. Amiran, "Ancient pottery of the Holy land, " (New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 1970), pp. 121-23).
▶ Cyprus-style pottery has been found at Gerar (E. D Oren, "The new encyclopedia od Archaeological excavations in the Holy land." 2:581).
▶ At Gerar we have also found Minoan-style graffito and other artifacts, that resemble Minoan features (Oren, Eliezer D, et. al. "A Minoan graffito from Tel Harar," (Nagev, Israel. Cretan studies, 1996), 5: 91-118).
2021, 14 აგვისტო, 8:33
Philistines - Pelasgian people

The Philistines are the most mysterious people of biblical Canaan, formed from the peoples of the sea and radically different from the Semitic population of this region. The Bible says, that these people originated on the island of Karta, Keret, Caphtor (Crete). The Cretan origin of the Philistines is also confirmed by Egyptian manuscripts. Also, we know, they were not Indo-Europeans. Non-Indo-Europeans from Crete are ancient Cretans, who were Proto-Kartvelian, Proto-Georgian, Colchian people. One of the tribes of the “Sea Peoples,” the Philistines, conquered four Canaanite cities: Ashkelon, Ashdod, Gath, and Gaza, and settled in the surrounding areas. Here they also founded the city of Ekron (Egron). The settlement of the Philistines in this area had a great influence on the following developments and left a significant mark on the history of the Palestinian peoples. The ancient Greeks called the land inhabited by the Philistines - Philistia, from which the Canaanite name Palestine was derived. However, archaeological data make it clear, that the culture of the Philistines differed substantially from that of Canaanite and Jewish culture. Their pottery and weapons were uniquely sophisticated and of high quality. About 1080 BC, the Philistines began to expand inland. They gradually subjugated the ancient Jewish cities. Only 75 years later, from 1005 BC, their hegemony ended as a result of the rule of King David of the Jews. The Philistines gradually began to assimilate with the Semitic tribes and to take part in the formation of the ancient Jewish nation.
2021, 14 აგვისტო, 8:32
Sea Peoples - Pelasgo-Colchians

The Sea Peoples are a purported seafaring confederation, that attacked ancient Egypt and other regions of the East Mediterranean prior to and during the Late Bronze Age collapse (1200–900 BCE). Following the creation of the concept in the 19th century, it became one of the most famous chapters of Egyptian history, given its connection with, in the words of Wilhelm Max Müller: "the most important questions of ethnography and the primitive history of classic nations".
Their origins undocumented, the various Sea Peoples have been proposed to have originated from places that include western Asia, Asia Minor, the Aegean, the Mediterranean islands and Southern Europe. Although the archaeological inscriptions do not include reference to a migration, the Sea Peoples are conjectured to have sailed around the eastern Mediterranean and invaded Anatolia, Syria, Phoenicia, Canaan, Cyprus and Egypt toward the end of the Bronze Age.

French Egyptologist Emmanuel de Rougé first used the term "peuples de la mer" (literally "peoples of the sea") in 1855 in a description of reliefs on the Second Pylon at Medinet Habu documenting Year 8 of Ramesses III.
Gaston Maspero, de Rougé's successor at the Collège de France, subsequently popularized the term "Sea Peoples" – and an associated migration-theory – in the late 19th century. Since the early 1990s, his migration theory has been brought into question by a number of scholars.

The Sea Peoples remain unidentified in the eyes of most modern scholars and hypotheses regarding the origin of the various groups are the source of much speculation. Existing theories variously propose equating them with several Aegean tribes, raiders from Central Europe, scattered soldiers who turned to piracy or who had become refugees, and links with natural disasters such as earthquakes or climatic shifts.
2021, 14 აგვისტო, 8:32
The so-called sea peoples, who destroyed the Hittite kingdom At the end of the second millennium BC and changed the political and cultural situation in Palestine and in Asia Minor. Only the Egyptians were able to repel the Sea peoples in bloody wars at sea and on land. It cost them dearly to repel Egypt. The Sea peoples also invaded Canaan and established small kingdoms there. Than they created a rich kingdom and later became the unspoken enemies of the Jews, who lived there. This tribe of the Sea peoples is called the Philistines.
The sea peoples first crossed the borders of Egypt In 1243 BC - during the reign of Pharaoh Merneptah. Among them were the Sherdans, the Shakalas, the Turshs, and the Achaeans. The peoples of the sea entered into alliances with the Libyans and even aided in the invasion of the Delta in 1219 BC, however, the elderly Pharaoh repulsed them in the battle near the Cape Migdol.

Around 1200 BC, the peoples of the sea uprooted land in Phoenicia. By 1190 BC, the newly created state of the Hittites had been destroyed.
In 1173 BC, the sea peoples raided by naval and land battles by Pharaoh Ramses III disintegrated into tribes and settled in the undeveloped territories of the Mediterranean. The PLST (Pelasgians or Philistines) tribe, known for their martial arts, settled on the east coast of the Mediterranean in Canaan, presumably with Pharaoh's permission, and the area (named after the tribe) was renamed Palestine. They traded in iron for a long time and served as mercenaries with the pharaohs until Israel gained control of the region from 1000 BC. Part of the Pelasgians remained in the Aegean region, where they had to assimilate with the Greeks no later than the 5th century BC. The last settlements of the Pelasgians existed on Lemnos island, although, according to ancient Greek historians, before they were inhabited throughout Greece, from where they migrated to Crete and Asia Minor.
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Rhea Cybele - The Goddess of Mushkians
ჩვენება: 6
ავტორი: თორ ნიკე
Colchian treasure / კოლხური საგანძური
ჩვენება: 2
ავტორი: თორ ნიკე
Colchian treasure / კოლხური საგანძური
ჩვენება: 2
ავტორი: თორ ნიკე