Shock;Voting system of Russia and South Korea is resemble. There is a fraud election in Korea in april.
(Attention) Shock; Russia and South Korea's goal-scoring system goes up and down. They have overthrown the peace and are planning falsified elections in the future.

Республика Корея сфальсифицировала выборы в апреле. Sorry, transmit. Я загружаю файл свидетельств об этих выборах в Южной Корее. Translation can be foreign. Exchange original articles in the form of evidence. Можете увидеть доказательств Вы both A , переведя. My hot transliteration problems of Korean robbery fights. Therefore, I urge the International Electoral Commission to follow up on the activities of the National Electoral Commission of Korea.

The Korean National Electoral Commission is a member of the International Terrorist Organization . Korean electronic cutting machine created falsified ballot boxes on several small ballot boxes. Зато засталоно многих ностранцев принести в жертву и разрушить мир. http : // www . fntoday . co . kr / news / articleView . html ? idxno = 216346 http : // www . fntoday . co . kr / news / articleView . html? idxno = 217403 https : // blog . naver . ком / mage 7 th / 221912780038

The National Electoral Commission ombuds the Korean people. In South Korea, for at least 18 years, falsifications of fights with electronic subdivisions have been carried out. The Korean National Electoral Commission manipulated civil and public elections. It was the manipulation of the pre-emptive choices. Choices in Korea mean that corruption is already serious. for example, the association of healers, the association of accountants, etc. e.

https : // n . news . naver . com / mnews / article / 421/0001571267? sid = 102 https : // gall . dcinside . com / mgallery / board / view /? id = dngks & no = 957940 & _ rk = BQK & search head = 310 & page = 1 https : // www . gunchinews .com / news / articleView . html ? idxno = 41393

The National Electoral Commission managed the voting system according to the eavesdropping program, called "Product 101". We suspect that the National Electoral Commission was involved in manipulation.

https : // gall . dcinside . com / mgallery / board / view /? id = dngks & no = 956910 & _ rk = BQK & search head = 310 & page = 1 https : // news . naver . com / main / read . nhn ? mode = LSD & mid = sec & sid1 = 102 & OID = 056 & help = 0010855922

Many foreigners advised not to use Korean electronic ticket machines.

http : // www . skyedaily . com / news / news view . html ? ID = 77257

The National Electoral Commission used personal information without dismissal.

https : // news . naver . com / main / read . nhn ? mode = LSD & mid = sec & sid 1 = 001 & oid = 005 & aid = 0001311030 https : // news . v . daum . net / v / 20200418173103913

Let them post on YouTube video , advertising CPC. Korean Democratic Institute (Analytical Center) signed an agreement with the Communist Party of China. Kita participates not only in Taiwan and Australia, but also in the Korean elections.

https://www.yna.co.kr/view/AKR20190710152700083 https://www.news1.kr/articles/?3778831 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csVI_QEQxCE https: // gall. dcinside.com/mgallery/board/view/?id=dngks&no=954169&_rk=eYK&search_head=310&page=1 https://www.hankookilbo.com/News/Read/201911251807724878

Об этом сообщили ë³Áв sbt, Канаде ÑãóùåíêàÂàиÍêÀ Соединенных Штатах, ÑãóùåíêàÂàиÍêÀ некоторые iz бывших дипломатов хотят, чтобы этих международная группа condition расследованию политических выборов.

https : // www . worldtribune . com / former - south - korean - ambassadors - officials - appeal - for - international - probe - of -2020- election / https : // www . sask - asiannews . com / 2020/06/01 / Possible possible choices in South Korea / https : // www . tokyo - np. co . jp / article / 37523? rct = world https : // www . newsweekjapan . jp / stories / world / 2020/06 / post -93560. php

Корея сейчас превращается ë³Áв социализм, both A страна сходит c ума from шпионов. Corruption in Korean politics has dominated China, I do not know. At the moment, the head of the National Divorce Service of Korea, Pak Jie-won, is a spy. And he engaged in business in the United States. This poses a danger to Korean safety.

https : // news . joins . com / article / 2304758 http : // www . godemn . com / xe /? mid = seek truth & document srl = 50737 & listStyle = viewer

Miru Systems (Korean company) has installed optical scanning technology in Russia. Korea ready to help with online-nakedness. Russian constituency elections in Putin include elections in South Korea. Russia and South Korea plan online elections on a blockchain basis. It is possible to deal with only one choice in South Korea. Therefore, I doubt that Russia and Korea share ideas about the power of choice. Ве checked in jellyfish (Russian Press).

https://biz.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2020/06/24/2020062403348.html http://m.dt.co.kr/contents.html?article_no=2017091202100251053001 https: // gall. dcinside.com/mgallery/board/view/?id=dngks&no=965693&_rk=Hc2&s_type=search_all&s_keyword=%EB%9F%AC%EC%8B%9C%EC%95%84&page=1 https: //n.news.naver .com / article / 005/0001338648 https://mirusystems.com/news_04.html

Также был использован a QR -код, но the MIT in University объявил, что это опасно. Пожалуйста, будьте осторожны, чтобы можно было личную информацию collect c помощью a QR -кода.

https : // www . youtube . com / watch ? v = 77 QgmJgo 6 QQ https : // www . youtube . com / watch ? v = qaBzzV 8 HrZ 8

Это всеобъемлющее содержание заключается ë³Áв том, что не только мы должны обращать внимание Khimshiashvili фальсификацию выборов ë³Áв корейскую центральную избирательную комиссию, но ÑãóùåíêàÂàиÍêÀ Khimshiashvili людей, которых можно отследить, как Khimshiashvili китайское общество. Политической точки зрени of C я опасная проблема заключается ë³Áв том, что во всем миру можно угрожать V mire. This fact has many consequences. It's a duty to be a human being and to have an international interest. Therefore, your SMI э in this situation ш. Я occurs on the volume that the international observer visited Korea for further observation. Korea needs international attention. In conclusion, this is the political conspiracy in Korea - the current digital representation. Your transmissions save peace in all peace. Thank you for what you heard.

You can get access to serious social problems about the Republic of Korea. Tara O.

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Постскриптум Если вы беспокоитесь Site международных отношениях c целью трансляции, пожалуйста, сосредоточьтесь Khimshiashvili том, чтобы писать the Red Site Республики Корея.


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