Kartlians - Caucasian Iberians - Descendants of Mushki (Meskhi), Gugars and other Georgian tribes 1 იანვარი 2023, 05:10:53
Historical Kartli Region of Georgia has an area of 21,333 km². This means that it is larger than the 49 independent states that exist today. It is greater than Israel. Kartlians are Ancient Georgian Sub-Ethnic Group, who were called as Iberians or Caucasian Iberians and Kartlians are descendants of the great Georgian Sub-Ethnic group - Mushki (also called as Meskhi / Meskhebi / Meskhes / Meskhians / Meskhetians), another Georgian Sub-Ethnic group - Gugars (Gogars) and other Georgian tribes. 1. Vatican City - 0.44 KM2 2. Monaco - 2 KM2 3. Nauru - 21 KM2 4. Tuvalu - 26 KM2 5. San Marino - 61 KM2 6. Liechtenstein - 160 KM2 7. Marshall Islands - 181 KM2 8. Saint Kitts and Nevis - 261 KM2 9. Maldives - 300 KM2 10. Malta - 316 KM2 11. Grenada - 344 KM2 12. Saint Vincent and The Grenadines - 389 KM2 13. Barbados - 430 KM2 14. Antigua and Barbuda - 442 KM2 15. Seychelles - 459 KM2 16. Palau - 460 KM2 17. Andorra - 467.63 KM2 18. Saint Lucia - 616 KM2 19. Micronesia - 702 KM2 20. Singapore - 719.1 KM2 21. Tonga - 747 KM2 22. Dominica - 751 KM2 23. Bahrain - 780 KM2 24. Kiribati - 811 KM2 25. Sao Tome and Principe - 1,001 KM2 26. Mauritius - 2,040 KM2 27. Comoros - 2,235 KM2 28. Luxembourg - 2,586 KM2 29. Samoa - 2,842 KM2 30. Cabo Verde - 4,033 KM2 31. Trinidad and Tobago - 5,131 KM2 32. Brunei - 5,765 KM2 33. Palestine 6,220 34. Cyprus - 9,250 KM2 35. Lebanon - 10,452 KM2 36. Kosovo - 10,887 KM2 37. Jamaica - 10,991 KM2 38. Gambia - 11,295 KM2 39. Qatar - 11,586 KM2 40. Vanuatu - 12,189 KM2 41. Montenegro - 13,812 KM2 42. Bahamas - 13,878 KM2 43. Timor-Leste - 14,874 KM2 44. Eswatini - 17,364 KM2 45. Kuwait - 17,818 KM2 46. Fiji - 18,274 KM2 47. Slovenia - 20,273 KM2 48. Israel - 20,770 KM2 49. El Salvador - 21,041 KM2 Kartlian Folk Songs - ქართლური ხალხური სიმღერები: 1. ლალე ლალე (Lale Lale) 2. ქართლური საჭიდაო (Kartluri Sachidao / Kartlian Wrestling Song) - ასრულებს გორის გუნდი (by Gori Choir); 3. შარი შური (Shari Shuri) - performed in 1989 by the Ensemble Rustavi (ჩაწერილია 1989 წელს. ასრულებს ანსამბლი რუსთავი). 4. ჩვენი მასპინძლის სასახლე (Castle of our Host) - performed in 1989 by the Ensemble Rustavi (ჩაწერილია 1989 წელს. ასრულებს ანსამბლი რუსთავი).