The White Race Is Called Caucasian Race In the Name Of Georgians (Singer - Irakli Charkviani - Mepe) 17 დეკემბერი 2022, 19:56:46
▶ The White race is called "Caucasian race" in the name of Georgians «Caucasian variety. I have taken the name of this variety from Mount Caucasus, both because its neighborhood, and especially its southern slope, produces the most beautiful race of men, I mean the Georgian; ... The Georgians belong to the most beautiful nations in the world. Everywhere, at any place, there can be seen tall men and slender women with noble faces, attractive features and large beautiful eyes........., Georgians are considered to be among the bravest and the most honest nations in the world; like all other Caucasian nations, they are also hospitable and reliable, as reliable, as their sabers are, and as swift and flexible, as their stallions, courageous in warfare and kind and soft-hearted at their homes. These people produces the most beautiful form of the skull, from which, as from a mean and primeval type, the others diverge... Besides, it is white in color, which we may fairly assume to be the primitive color of mankind and because ... in that region, if anywhere, it seems we ought with the greatest probability to place the autochthones of mankind.» Johann Friedrich Blumenbach (1752-1840) - "On the natural varieties of mankind: De generis humani varietate nativa". 1795 AD. P. 303. The German anthropologist, physician, naturalist, physiologist, historian and bibliographer, Johann Friedrich Blumenbach is generally regarded as the founder of physical and scientific anthropology. He first used the word ”race” in 1775 to classify humans into five divisions: Caucasian, Mongolian, Ethiopian, American, and Malay. ▶ "Describing the Persians, the old traveler Jean Chardin says, that their blood is highly noble because of the frequent marriages with Georgians. There is not prominent Persian in Iran, who does not have a Georgian mother." Charles Darwin. "On The Origin of Species". ▶ Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel about the Georgians and the Caucasian race: "The Caucasian race has an almost right angle of inclination of the skull. This is especially true of Italian, Georgian, and Circassian physiognomy" (Hegel, 1845, 67). "It is in the Caucasian race, that spirit first reaches absolute unity with itself. It is here, that it first enters into complete opposition to naturality, apprehends itself in its absolute independence, disengages from the dispersive vacillation between one extreme and the other, achieves self-determination, self-development, and so brings forth world history. It is, the concrete universal, self-determining thought, which constitutes the principle and character of Europeans." "This people - Georgians are extremely dangerous to multiply and very pity to be disappeared." Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. "Philosophy of Subjective Spirit"; ▶ John Steinbeck about Georgians: “Whenever we had been in Russia, in Moscow, in the Ukraine, in Stalingrad, the magical name - "Georgia" - came up constantly. People who had never been there, and who possibly never could go there, spoke of Georgia with a kind of longing and a great admiration. They spoke of Georgians as supermen, as great drinkers, great dancers, great musicians, great workers and lovers. And they spoke of the country in the Caucasus and around the Black Sea as a kind of second heaven. Indeed, we began to believe that most Russians hope that if they live very good and virtuous lives, they will go not to heaven, but to Georgia, when they die. It is a country favored in climate, very rich in soil, and it has its own little ocean. Great service to the state is rewarded by a trip to Georgia. It is a place of recuperation for people who have been long ill. And even during the war it was a favored place, for the Germans never got there, neither with planes nor with troops. It is one of the places that was not hurt at all.” "The Georgians are an ancient people whose ancestors lived on the banks of the Euphrates before Babylon was a city. We know that they are descendants of the Sumerians and are now one of the oldest peoples in the world." “In these terrific Georgians we had met more than our match. They could out-eat us, out-drink us, out-dance us, out-sing us. They had the fierce gaiety of the Italians, and the physical energy of the Burgundians. Everything they did was done with flair. They were quite different from the Russians we had met, and it is easy to see why they are so admired by the citizens of the other Soviet republics. Their energy not only survives but fattens on a tropical climate. And nothing can break their individuality or their spirit. That has been tried for many centuries by invaders, by czarist armies, by despots, by the little local nobility. Everything has struck at their spirit and nothing has succeeded in making a dent in it.” Background Music: 1. You are crazy (შენ აფრენ; Shen apren) - Irakli Charkviani; 2. Wounds (ნაიარევს; Naiarevs) - Irakli Charkviani; 3. Come here (მოდი აქ; Modi ak) - Irakli Charkviani; 4. I miss (მენატრება; Menatreba) - Irakli Charkviani; 5. Let's Go (მოდი წავიდეთ; Modi Tsavidet) - Irakli Charkviani; 1. შენ აფრენ - ირაკლი ჩარკვიანი; 2. ნაიარევს - ირაკლი ჩარკვიანი; 3. მოდი აქ - ირაკლი ჩარკვიანი; 4. მენატრება - ირაკლი ჩარკვიანი; 5. მოდი წავიდეთ - ირაკლი ჩარკვიანი;