Artifacts from the Proto-Georgian state - the Kingdom of Colchis (1300-164 BC) - from the Vani town 2 აგვისტო 2021, 05:09:07
Artifacts from the Proto-Georgian state - the Kingdom of Colchis (1300-164 BC). Colchians were speaking in the language, that was an ancestor of Mingrelian and Laz languages (also called as Zan language). One of the Antique town in the Kingdom of Colchis (Colkhis, Kolkhis, Kolkha, Colcha, Colkha, Kulkha, Kolkheti) was Vani (but we do not know exactly what was the name of this city for that times), this Colchian town existed from the VIII century BC. Vani today is situated in the central Georgian region - Imereti. Photos: Georgian National Museum / Fernando Javier Urquijo ✨ანტიკური ქალაქი ვანი, უძველესი ცივილიზაცია 800 წლის ისტორია, ქრისტესშობამდე VIII - I საუკუნეები. ➡ფოტო:საქართველოს ეროვნული მუზეუმი / ფერნადო ხავიერ ურხიკო.