Georgian Dance - Daisi 6 მარტი 2019, 17:29:25
Whites are Dancing! We love our Family, We love Tens of Billions of our Ancestors, We love our Race. We love our Nations, We love our Civilization. To be proud of being white, does not mean you support superiority of Caucasians on others, but this means just to love your own people. off course First humans were dark skinned. only 45 thousand years ago appeared first Caucasian people in Eurasia. i will tell you more, our ancestors and Chimps ancestors were the same Apes and only 7 million years ago we became distinct species. i will tell you more - every living thing, even Bacterias, Plants, Mushrooms have the same ancestor aprox. 4 billion years ago. and i love every living thing on earth, especially humans, Single, Normal human, who weights 60 kilograms, is composed of 60 trillion cells. aprox. 1 Trilion Cell is for each Kilogram in the Human body. Every single cell of its own, from this at least 60 trillion cells is a mini-factory. these mini-factories work together to produce a human organism, that is the only one in the universe, or at least in the world, who knows and thinks of himself/herself as a person. The Human is a biological, physical, and metaphysical wonder and thinking mini-universe. How can we hate each other? off course not. But that does not mean not to have our own identity as species, Race, Culture and as a Person. to have an identity is not bad, it is good. if you have no identity, you are not even a person. Nationalism is not bad path. Bad is Imperialism and the desire to conquer another people. to love your own and respect others - this is true nationalism. off course, no one needs National-socialists. they were not Nationalists, they were full of hatred Imperialists. both World wars were caused not because of Nationalism, as many people incorrectly think, but because of Imperialism. First war was because of Austrian Imperialism and second world war was Because of German Imperialism, as Hitler wanted to rule not only German lands, but also whole Europe and the world. this is not nationalism. real, Classical Nationalism simply say: "love your own Race, Nation and State, respect another Races, Nations and States. do not conquer anyone and do not let anyone conquer you."