თორ ნიკე
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ავტორი:თორ ნიკე
თორ ნიკე
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2020, 3 დეკემბერი, 19:27
A family-tree of Colchian Royalty according to the Greek pagan religion
Helios - The Great Sun-God, Titan. The God of the 4.6 Billion years old Sun and the Founder of the Royal house of The Kingdom of Colchis (1250-164 BC);. Son of the Titan Hyperion and Tytanida Theia. father of Phasis, The king of Colchis - Aeetes, Colchian Magician Circe and Colchian wife of the king Minos - Pasiphae. Collosus of Rodes - one of the seven wonders of the world was a gigantic Statue of Helios.
Parents: Titan Hyperion and Titanida Theia
Consorts: Athena, Aegle Naiad, Clymene (Oceanid), Rhode, Prote (Nereid), Neaera, a nymph, Ocyrrhoe (Oceanid), Rhodos ( nymph), Perse (Oceanid), Asterope, Ephyra (Oceanid), Antiope, Crete, Gaia, Selene, Leucothoe, Nausidame, Hyrmine.
Children: Aeëtes, Circe, Pasiphaë, Perses, Aega, Aloeus, Phasis, The Corybantes, The Charites: Aglaea "splendor", Euphrosyne "mirth", Thalia "flourishing; Also The Heliades: Aetheria, Helia, Merope, Phoebe, Dioxippe, Tenages, Macareus, Actis, Triopas, Candalus, Ochimus, Cercaphus, Auges, Thrinax. also Phaëton, Astris, Lampetia, Phaethusa, Electryone, Bisaltes, The Horae, Thersanon, Augeas, one of the Argonauts, Aegiale, Aithon, Aix, Camirus, Ichnaea, Mausolus, Phorbas and Sterope.
Siblings: Selene and Eos.
Colchis culture (Western Georgia, Anatolia) - 3000 - 1250 BC. haplogroups of the population: G2a, J2, (J1, R1b).
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ავტორი: თორ ნიკე
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ავტორი: თორ ნიკე
თორნიკიოსები (Tornikios) - დაწინაურებული ქართული საგვარეულო ბიზანტიაში