  • 22.03.2025
  • სტატია:141115
  • ვიდეო:351926
  • სურათი:513854
Númenor - The island of Númenor was given to the Edain, or "First Men", at the end of the First Age of the Sun as recognition of their valor in the war agaisnt Morgoth. Númenor was nearer to Aman than to Middle-earth. However, the men of Númenor were not permitted to sail to either Tol Eressea or the Undying Lands. Instead they became great sailors and explorers of Middle-earth. The Island of Númenor was in the form of a star with five arms.
ორიგინალი სურათი
შეფასება არ არის
Númenor - The island of Númenor was given to the Edain, or "First Men", at the end of the First Age of the Sun as recognition of their valor in the war agaisnt Morgoth. Númenor was nearer to Aman than to Middle-earth. However, the men of Númenor were not permitted to sail to either Tol Eressea or the Undying Lands. Instead they became great sailors and explorers of Middle-earth. The Island of Númenor was in the form of a star with five arms.
ავტორი:თორ ნიკე
თორ ნიკე
კომენტარები არ არის, დაწერეთ პირველი კომენტარი
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Keep Calm And Be Free...
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ავტორი: ჯაფარიძე
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ავტორი: ვიზა კოხაძე
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ავტორი: ვიზა კოხაძე
i love you (danbo)
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ავტორი: დათა13