  • 28.04.2024
  • სტატია:134564
  • ვიდეო:351974
  • სურათი:508622
გლადენის მინდვრები
გლადენის მინდვრები
Gladden Fields - Marshlands located where the Gladden River flows out of the Misty Mountains and into the great river Anduin. Isildur lost the One Ring here in the first years of the Third Age. Later the area was populated by the Stoor tribe of hobbits, two of which find the Ring.
ორიგინალი სურათი
1-ს მოსწონს
Gladden Fields - Marshlands located where the Gladden River flows out of the Misty Mountains and into the great river Anduin. Isildur lost the One Ring here in the first years of the Third Age. Later the area was populated by the Stoor tribe of hobbits, two of which find the Ring.
ავტორი:თორ ნიკე
თორ ნიკე
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