  • 30.09.2024
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AI in Art

We live in a fast-growing developing century where technological development, digitization, and scientific approaches make our lives easier, and they may also speed up our mental processes. The consistent change in technology gives us the opportunity and challenges that allow us to become a small part of the big picture. Technological challenges change almost every field in our day-to-day lives. The development of computer science led to the creation of some intelligent programs, and artificial intelligence derives from them. Artificial intelligence is a new reality in our modern life that will change the world. It makes it possible for machines to perform tasks that are related to intelligent beings, such as learning, reasoning, generalizing, problem-solving, learning from experience, and so on.

Artificial intelligence is spreading across multiple industries today. We can use it as virtual assistants, diagnose some diseases, monitor crop health conditions and harvesting, operate better with automated warehousing and supply chain management, and even create art.

It should sound impossible at first when we talk about robots that look like humans and do the things that we do, but this modern era is open to new challenges, technological advancement isn't a future fantasy and robots have become part of our everyday life. Humanoid robots are being developed to perform human tasks like personal assistance, doing dangerous jobs, cleaning houses, or assisting restaurant tables. But here is the most breathtaking fact about a humanoid robot that differs from the others because of its artistic capacities. . Let’s meet the very first humanoid artist, AI-DA. AI-DA is named “one of the most exciting artists of our time”. Her drawing ability is because of cameras in her eyeballs and AI algorithms created by scientists at the University of Oxford.

Ai-Da with her artwork on display at Oxford University.

Do we need humanoid robots and AI in art? Is it critical to invest time and money in it? Rather than investing this money in medicine, agriculture, or even exploring space? Art doesn’t need artificial intelligence or technological approaches that much. AI-DA, a humanoid robot who can paint, seems incredible, she has her own solo exhibitions and becomes a competitor to human artists. It’s not easy for artists to establish and maintain a position in a competitive environment, and a humanoid robot is becoming popular no matter whether its artwork will be superior or not, compared to human artists. There are many artists with great vision. They have a background history that makes them unique, and are the artworks of these robots popular because they are making something special or is it cool because of their technological identity? Sure, it’s stunning because of algorithms, not because of colors or techniques. People will always see science in it, not creativity. Art and science don’t stand together, and when people are trying to change human artists with robot ones, it’s not understandable. We can mix it to make the art of humans easier, but not fully give robots these opportunities and spend a lot of money and time on it.

As I mentioned, we shouldn’t give AI full power, but use it as our assistant. Modern artists use technology as well to create art, illustrations, music, and take pictures. E.g. a new Photoshop feature lets you quadruple the number of pixels in a photo using AI technology. It's not perfect, but it's a great way to put some spark into older shots and to print photos larger with twice the number of pixels in both width and height. It’s excellent news for photographers, and not only.

Next, let's talk about AI in the film industry. A movie was written by an algorithm. Does it sound unbelievable? Sunspring is a movie written by AI, which named itself Benjamin. This movie is funny and insane because of its script. Sure, it’s funny not because it’s a comedy, it’s unrealistic and the quality is not high. Film directors work hard to make great movies that will last for years. People will talk about their greatness. We shouldn’t make everything real. E.g., some people love science fiction movies because they're unreal, untouchable, they seem like a dream, and people love dreaming. Technological development will soon eliminate dreams and thoughts about the future. We should leave some things the way they are.

If AI will help human artists to make their art, I appreciate it. E.g., the man who lost his hand in an accident. He was a musician and music was his life. What can he do now? Should AI replace humans in this case or enhance humans? That’s the point of helping humans to continue doing their work and giving them opportunities to not stop doing things that make them happy and alive. He was given a prosthetic arm so that he could resume playing the drums. In this case, AI helped him to make his dreams come true.

From my point of view, humans are highly sensitive and emotional creatures with the originality of a creative mind. We can see, hear, taste, think, and feel. Our thoughts are impacted by feelings compared to machines. I think art is giving soul to empty canvas or paper. Machines are not emotional creatures. We can teach them lots of things, but still, they won’t understand it.

For me, art is the field that should not be touched by science and technology fully, because art is the only way of expressing emotions and physical and mental conditions naturally, without too many advanced technologies or any other support. Just with your hands, without scientific tools, you can create paintings, write poems and music lyrics.

The two Fridas

One of my favorite artists, Frida Kahlo, whose self-portraits speak to the soul, her artwork tells us about her life, her struggles, fears, and motivations. That’s why it touches our hearts and minds. AI won’t understand it. It can replicate this work, but it won’t be as emotional and touchable as it is now.

Art is a weapon to say things indirectly. You can describe ugly truths allegorically. Animal Farm by George Orwell is an allegory, which describes the story of the Russian revolution with a dystopian vision. Can AI describe history in this way? AI is not having a hard life with so many ups and downs. That’s why AI art is not “real art”.

It is still in question whether AI can write like Rustaveli, Goethe, and Shakespeare. Can we meet better artists one day, like Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Caravaggio, and so many others, who created art that lasts forever? Can AI one day create music better than Beethoven, Bach, and Mozart? The centuries go by and even human artists do not seem to excel in this particular era. Will robots be able to create something more special? Maybe one day it won’t be suspicious, but now at best, AI can replicate, not create.

Artificial intelligence is a global issue because we are all surrounded by it whether we want it or not. It’s becoming our reality, and it’s not only for future dreams anymore. AI would completely change everything around us. The future is so unclear and intriguing. What do we expect? What will be next? It raises a lot of questions and bothers us a bit. No matter how much we oppose it, it is still here. Slowly, artists can be replaced and robots can start doing almost everything. It is a long-term process, but if there seems to be some expected danger or need, we can decide.

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