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10 განსაკუთრებული წიგნი 10 განსხვავებული ქვეყნიდან
ერთ-ერთი პოპულარული ვებგვერდი, www.huffingtonpost.com, აქვეყნებს იმ წიგნების სიას, რომელმაც გამოქვეყნებისთანავე დიდი აჟიოტაჟი გამოიწვია.

მაშ ასე, წარმოგიდგენთ 10 წიგნს 10 განსხვავებული კულტურის მქონე ქვეყნიდან.

1) ალჟირი

ლეილა მარუანი - მუსლიმის სექსუალური ცხოვრება პარიზში

“Basile Tocquard is a handsome, wealthy, Parisian bank manager. Born in Algeria, his life was once devoted to Sundays with his mother, family reunions, pious sobriety, and devout Islamism. But now the time has come for him to find a suitable apartment in the trendiest neighborhood in Paris, for aperitifs at the Deux Magots and the Café de Flore, for shopping sprees at the most exclusive boutiques in Paris. And for a sex life free of prohibitions! Thus his adventures begin. Unfortunately for him, but to the delight of the reader, his story is filtered through a rather unsympathetic female narrator who refuses to show our hero the attention he feels he deserves.”image
2) საუდის არაბეთი

რაჯა ალზეანა - ერ-რიადის გოგონები

“When Rajaa Alsanea boldly chose to open up the hidden world of Saudi women—their private lives and their conflicts with the traditions of their culture—she caused a sensation across the Arab world. Now in English, Alsanea’s tale of the personal struggles of four young upper-class women offers Westerners an unprecedented glimpse into a society often veiled from view. Living in restrictive Riyadh but traveling all over the globe, these modern Saudi women literally and figuratively shed traditional garb as they search for love, fulfillment, and their place somewhere in between Western society and their Islamic home.”

image3) რუსეთი

ალექსანდრე სოლჟენიცინი -ივან დენოსოვიჩის ერთი დღე

“The simply told story of a typical, grueling day of the titular character’s life in a labor camp in Siberia, is a modern classic of Russian literature and quickly cemented Solzhenitsyn’s international reputation.”image4)პაკისტანი

ჯამილ აჰმედი - მოხეტიალე შევარდენი

“A remarkable, award-winning book about the tribes of Pakistan and Afghanistan. In this extraordinary tale, Tor Baz, the young boy descended from both chiefs and outlaws who becomes the Wandering Falcon, moves between the tribes of Pakistan and Afghanistan and their uncertain worlds full of brutality, humanity, deep love, honor, poverty, and grace. The wild area he travels — the Federally Administered Tribal Area — has become a political quagmire known for terrorism and inaccessibility. Yet in these pages, eighty-year-old debut author Jamil Ahmad lyrically and insightfully reveals the people who populate those lands, their tribes and traditions, and their older, timeless ways in the face of sometimes ruthless modernity. This story is an essential glimpse into a hidden world, one that has enormous geopolitical significance today and still remains largely a mystery to us.”

image5) მეხიკო

ლაურა ესკივიელი - როგორც წყალი შოკოლადისთვის

“Earthy, magical, and utterly charming, this tale of family life in turn-of-the-century Mexico became a best-selling phenomenon with its winning blend of poignant romance and bittersweet wit. The classic love story takes place on the De la Garza ranch, as the tyrannical owner, Mama Elena, chops onions at the kitchen table in her final days of pregnancy. While still in her mother’s womb, her daughter to be weeps so violently she causes an early labor, and little Tita slips out amid the spices and fixings for noodle soup. This early encounter with food soon becomes a way of life, and Tita grows up to be a master chef. She shares special points of her favorite preparations with listeners throughout the story.”

image6) ფინეთი

არტო პაასილინა - კურდღლის წელი

“‘Which of us has not had that wonderfully seditious idea: to play hooky for a while from life as we know it?’ With these words from his foreword, Pico Iyer puts his finger on the exhilaratingly anarchic appeal of The Year of the Hare. Suddenly realizing what’s important in life (with the help of a bunny), a man quits his job and heads to the countryside in this internationally bestselling comic novel.”

image7) ავღანეთი

ატიკ რაჰიმი - მოთმინების ქვა

“For far too long, Afghan women have been faceless and voiceless. Until now. With The Patience Stone, Atiq Rahimi gives face and voice to one unforgettable woman–and, one could argue, offers her as a proxy for the grievances of millions… it is a rich read, part allegory, part a tale of retribution, part an exploration of honor, love, sex, marriage, war. It is without doubt an important and courageous book.” From the introduction by Khaled Hosseini, author of The Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Sunsimage8) მონღოლეთი

გალსან ჩინაგი - ცისფერი ცა

“In the Altai Mountains of northern Mongolia, the nomadic Tuvan people’s ancient way of life is colliding with the pervasive influence of modernity. For the young shepherd boy Dshurukuwaa, the confrontation comes in stages. First his older siblings leave the family yurt to attend a distant boarding school, followed by the death of his beloved grandmother and with it, the connection to the tribe’s traditions and deep relationship to the land. But the greatest tragedy strikes when his dog — ‘all that was left to me’ — dies after ingesting poison set out by the boy’s father to protect the herd from wolves. His despairing questions to the Heavenly Blue Sky are answered only by the silence of the wind. The first and only member of the Tuvans to use written language to tell stories, Galsan Tschinag chronicles their traditions in this fascinating, bittersweet novel.”

image9) სომხეთი

გრიგორ ბალაკინი - სომხური გოლგოთა

On April 24, 1915, Grigoris Balakian was arrested along with some 250 other leaders of Constantinople’s Armenian community. It was the beginning of the Ottoman Empire’s systematic attempt to eliminate the Armenian people from Turkey—a campaign that continued through World War I and the fall of the empire. Over the next four years, Balakian would bear witness to a seemingly endless caravan of blood, surviving to recount his miraculous escape and expose the atrocities that led to over a million deaths. Armenian Golgotha is Balakian’s devastating eyewitness account—a haunting reminder of the first modern genocide and a controversial historical document that is destined to become a classic of survivor literature.”image10) გვატემალა

მიგელ ანხელ ასტურია - პრეზიდენტი

“Winner! Nobel Prize for Literature. Guatemalan diplomat and writer Miguel Angel Asturias began this award-winning work while still a law student. It is a story of ruthless dictator and his schemes to dispose of a political adversary in an unnamed Latin American country usually identified as Guatemala. The book has been acclaimed for portraying both a totalitarian government and its damaging psychological effects. Drawing from his experiences as a journalist writing under repressive conditions, Asturias employs such literary devices as satire to convey the government’s transgressions and surrealistic dream sequences to demonstrate the police state’s impact on the individual psyche.”image

იხ. აგრეთვე: გასაოცარი, აქტიური და საინტერესო ფეისბუქ და სხვა სოციალურ მედიათა სტატისტიკა

თუ მოგეწონათ სტატია მოიწონეთ და გააზიარეთ!

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ავტორი:ზოგადი განათლება
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