  • 23.04.2024
  • სტატია:134484
  • ვიდეო:351975
  • სურათი:508537
მკვდარი ჭაობები - რეგიონი მორდორის ჩრდილოეთით
მკვდარი ჭაობები - რეგიონი მორდორის ჩრდილოეთით
Dead Marshes - The Dead Marshes is a vast swamp on the northern border of Mordor. During the Second Age it was the site of a great battle during the War of the Last Alliance. Three thousand years later it is haunted by the spirits of those who perished in battle. Gollum leads Frodo and Sam across the Dead Marshes en route to the Black Gate of Mordor.
ორიგინალი სურათი
1-ს მოსწონს
Dead Marshes - The Dead Marshes is a vast swamp on the northern border of Mordor. During the Second Age it was the site of a great battle during the War of the Last Alliance. Three thousand years later it is haunted by the spirits of those who perished in battle. Gollum leads Frodo and Sam across the Dead Marshes en route to the Black Gate of Mordor.
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